Showing 19-27 of 31 results
SBI PO 2018 exam is conducting by State Bnak of India to select eligible candidates to the post of Probationary Officer. SBI PO Vacancies 2018 There are 2000 vacancies for the post of probationary officer. Available Posts: 2000 + 118 (PWD) =2118 Names of Vacant Positions: Probationary Officers (PO) Activity Date On-line registration…
IBPS RRB is conducted every year for selection to the post of both IBPS RRB Assistant and IBPS RRB Officer Cadre in Regional Rural Banks spread across the country. The selection is made to the post of: Office Assistant Marketing Manager Treasury Manager Officer Scale – I Banking Officer Scale –…
SSC CPO 2018 is being conducted to recruit candidates to the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police, Sub Inspector in CAPFs, Assistant Sub Inspector in CISF, Inspector posts and Sub Inspector Posts. SSC CPO Tier-I Exam Postponed According to latest notice of SSC, SSC CPO Tier-I exam which was scheduled…
SSC- MTS (Multi Tasking)
SSC conducts the SSC Multitasking exam in two main stages; Common Test and descriptive paper. After clearing these stages, the candidate will get selected for General Central Service Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial posts in various Central Government Ministries/Departments/Offices, in different States/Union Territories. SSC MTS 2018 Exam is being organized by Staff Selection Commission or SSC…
SSC CHCL (10+2 ) 10+2 level: Completed 10+2 or have passed equivalent or higher examination from a renowned board or university.SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2018 Tier Type Mode Tier – I Objective Multiple Choice Computer Based (online) Tier – II Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi Pen and Paper mode Tier –…
About Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level Exam (SSC CGL) Staff Selection Commission conducts Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC – CGL) for recruitment to different Central Civil posts – Assistant Section Officer / Assistant / Inspector / SI / Divisional Accountant / Junior Statistical Officer / Auditor / Accountant…
Interview Preparation
Interview Preparation and Group Discussion Passing an entrance exam to your dream college or university for admission does not get you to the classroom. To be the part of them, you need to clear PI-GD conducted by the universities while admission process. It will not be wrong to say, the…
Bank PO
BANK PO Every year Institute of Banking Personnel Selection holds the IBPS PO Bank Exam to select Probationary Officers in Public Sector banks. IBPS offers recruitment services to all Public-Sector Banks, SBI, Associate Banks of SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, LIC & Insurance companies and regular member Banks of the IBPS society.…
Know about the CMAT exam paper, colleges accepting CMAT score, registration procedure, past years’ exams’ detailed analysis, practice mock online CMAT tests to clear the cutoff scores and get admission in best MBA colleges in India through CMAT. Eligibility Graduates in any discipline OR Final year students of Graduate Courses…